About us
The Gallery and Media Library is the central digital storage and exhibition space of the SZTE Klebelsberg Library's image and other media materials. On the site we publish documents in digital format from our library’s collection (their originals are mostly in analogue format), which differ from traditional printed or manuscript materials. The information in case of these documents is contained in the image content. In some cases the main collection is supplemented by other miscellaneous files that are considered relevant.
Each digital object is organised into different collections according to its subject or origin, and they are displayed together with informative descriptions (e.g. subject headings, geographical information) to make them easily searchable and widely usable.
According to the SZTE Klebelsberg Library's policy on use and copyright, the content found on this site is free to download. However, if you use them in any way, please let us know in the hope that we may be able to provide a higher resolution version. We also ask you to refer to the SZTE Klebelsberg Library’s Gallery and Media Library when using the images in your project, if possible include the web address of our collection. (This is in accordance with Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 HU)
The common search engine for the SZTE repositories is available on the Contentas page.
Latest materials:
A Nobel-bankett egyik színhelye, a stockholmi városháza arany terme
Szent-Györgyi Imréné Kirchlehner Borbála (1803-1895) képmása
Feketetőzsdézett is Nagy Ferenc, cikk a Magyar Szó 1947, július 3-i számából
Több millió forintot keresett egy gyár a penicillinen -cikk a Szabad Nép 1946. november 3-i számából
Azulenol fagykenőcs plakátja
Szent-Györgyi Albert újságírók társaságában a budapesti élettani intézetben
Márai Sándor portréja a Képek és Tények Márai Sándor életéből c. könyvön
Szent-Györgyi Albert önéletrajzi értekezései c. könyv borítója
Servita Gyógyszergyár és Vegyipari Rt.